Reed Monkey Intermediate Oboe Reeds

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Magic Reed
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Premium Medium Strength/Regular Density Cane To Promote Best Tone, Response And Accessibility. 

Reed Monkey Intermediate Oboe Reeds are handmade from scratch. They are designed for optimal playability, warmth and consistency.  They are no fuss reeds in a medium strength. They have a round tone and possess the most supple response within my intermediate category. They are less likely to need post ship adjustments than reeds made on harder cane. Aperture size (reed opening) is moderate. These are the best oboe reeds for intermediate players with 12+ months experience. They are recommended as a first upgrade from student model. Other players looking for well priced, high quality oboe reeds with less resistance will also enjoy them. 


Oboe Cane: Cane is drawn from my choice of premium cane inventories of Rigotti or Feng brands. Cane is professionally processed and sorted for diameter, aperture size, strength and overall intermediate grade compatibility. Gouge: Kunibert gouge @.60/.45 (small adjustments for cane density and seasonality).  Shape: Mack++ or similar.

Staple: Professional Chiarugi staple 47mm # 2. A staple of this quality is rare for an intermediate reed. Save them for future reed making or gift them to your teacher at the end of your reed's lifespan. A $5.00 retail value.

Blank Tie Length: 72 - 72.5 mm.

Finished Reed Length: @ 69.5-70 mm.

Signature American long scrape.  Customized scrape. Moderately defined tip. Heart 40-.42 in thickness.  Moderate windows, defined heart/back with catch. Moderate spine. Near to full professional level tone. Intermediate level response.

Finishing Touches:  

  • Dozens of micro adjustments prior to certification and ship. 
  • Tested on Howarth XL or Marigaux 901 Oboe.
  • Reed prep instructions are included.
  • Light application of Vaseline to moisturize cork. 
  • Players encouraged to sanitize reeds upon arrival.
  • Reeds are guaranteed against cracks and leaks that present on arrival and buyer needs to contact us immediately to discuss remedies.