Reed Maker's Choice Professional Oboe Reeds

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Magic Reed
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 I Will Choose The Best Brand For You Based On My Real-Time Results Which Are Often Subject To Seasonal Changes 

Reed Maker's Choice Oboe Reeds gives us discretion to fulfill orders based on the brand/cane that is working best at any point in time. The reality of oboe reed making is that results change over time- even when using the very same materials. Relative humidity and seasonality can impact reed making in unpredictable ways. Players who prefer that I use my real time results to help achieve their best experience may prefer this option.  Buyers are encouraged to leave a "note to reed maker" at checkout to help guide me in my choice.

Available in Professional and Elite models. Elite models offer extra nuance and an additional quality sort. Individual results may vary. Pricing reflects relative difficulty in working with cane with this strength and density.


Oboe Cane: Cane is drawn from my choice of cane and staple inventories.  Diameters are 10.5 and 11 with extra sort for aperture size within the batch. Gouge: Kunibert gouge @.60/.45 (small adjustments for cane density and seasonality).  Shape: Mack++ or similar.

Staple: Professional Chiarugi staple 47mm # 2 or #2+.

Blank Tie Length: 72 - 72.5 mm.

Finished Reed Length: @ 69.5-70 mm.

Signature American long scrape.  Customized scrape. Moderately defined tip. Heart 40-.42 in thickness.  Moderate windows, defined heart/back with catch. Moderate spine. Full professional level tone and response.

Finishing Touches:  

  • Dozens of micro adjustments prior to certification and ship. 
  • Tested on Howarth XL Oboe.
  • Reed prep instructions are included.
  • Light application of Vaseline to moisturize cork. Covid sanitized (repeat at home).
  • Reeds are guaranteed against cracks and leaks that impact play with a refund or replace remedy.