Custom Oboe Reeds

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Magic Reed
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4 Custom Reed Choices-Just As You Like Them. Performance Worthy! 

Custom Oboe Reeds are handmade from scratch with 4 construction choices for more personalized outcomes. They are designed to help elite professionals and highly accomplished adult amateurs play their best, earn their best reviews and fully enjoy music making.  Every reed receives dozens of micro adjustments and quality tests prior to shipment.They are offered in 6 models: Original, Robust,  Slimline and Shorty. This new presentation helps players order reeds based on functional preferences without having to worry so much about the details. It also gives me extra room to use my judgment to achieve the results each buyer seeks. There is nothing like them on the market. They are made through a nuanced process that supports the optimum function of the four pillars of the oboe reed: stability, pitch, tone and response.  All reeds are made with an American long scrape and meet or exceed all quality standards in the elite professional reed grade.  I will make cane choices based on both your preferences and my real time results. Cane selection will be transparent as each cane brand has a corresponding thread color. Every order is overfilled to provide for extra quality sorts relative to professional reeds.

Custom Oboe Reed Choices:

Reeds are designed for the optimum balance of response and expression. These are highly defined reeds with visible distinctions between the parts. Cane strength is medium to medium hard.  Diameter is 10.5-11.  Chiarugi #2 staples. They are highly playable, have a warm-dark tone, and are one of my favorites because they don't over tax my embouchure. I get to play longer and enjoy myself more. They sit between the Robust and Slimline options in terms of response.  


Some players are in top athletic condition to play oboe.  They have big lung capacities, fast wind speed and well developed embouchures. These players simply overwhelm the reeds that the rest of us enjoy so much. These are full-bodied (meaty) reeds with an expressive, dark tone and a somewhat larger aperture versus the Original model. They are highly defined with visible distinctions between the parts. Cane strength is medium to medium and cane diameter is usually 10.5-10.75.  My choice of Chiarugi #2 or 2+ 47 mm staples. Players report a nice lifespan with these reeds.  


This custom oboe reed model is designed for those seeking a somewhat more free-blowing experience than is featured in our Original model. This is achieved with my best medium strength cane, a gouge that is somewhat thinner, cane diameter that is somewhat larger and a scrape that brings it all together for best outcomes.  My choice of Chiarugi 47 mm staple.  


This model combines my Original oboe reed model with a 46 mm staple, raising the pitch a little to help offset pitch challenges from production style or the oboe itself.    These are highly defined reeds with visible distinctions between the parts. Cane strength is medium to medium hard and diameter range is 10.5-11  (to achieve a moderate size aperture). Chiarugi #2 46 mm staples. Finished length is a millimeter  shorter than other reeds (between 69 and 69.5). They are highly playable, just like my original model. They sit between the Robust and Slimline options in terms of response.

Finishing Touches

  • Each oboe reed is finished to concert standards.  
  • Tested on a Howarth XL oboe. Dozens of micro adjustments prior to certification and shipment.
  • Reed prep instructions are included.  
  • Light application of Vaseline to moisturize cork in the event that player does not have some handy.
  • Covid sanitized.  Players are still advised to sanitize reeds on arrival.
  • Reeds are guaranteed against cracks and leaks which affect play.  They are otherwise not returnable.