Grasshopper Oboe Reeds- Handmade

Grasshopper Oboe Reeds

 Grasshopper Oboe Reeds: Beginner / Novice / Student

Best Balance Of Response,Tone And Pitch For Early Learners. Finished By Master Reed Maker. 

Grasshopper Oboe Reeds are designed for early learners from first blow up to 18 mo. and are best in their categories. They are light and responsive without sacrificing tone and pitch. Grasshopper Reeds are made in collaboration with a friend in the industry, with plenty of room for finishing with my master reed maker skills. This helps provide the best results for more early learners while keeping the reeds affordable. Collection goes through same sorts and edits as premium brands, but with beginner needs in mind. The strategy works great and my customers love the results.  As with all oboe reeds, individual results may vary.