Oboe Reeds To Help Early Learners Sound Better While Learning The ABC's Of Music. Finished By Master Reed Maker.
Grasshopper Student Oboe Reeds are designed for early learners with between 6 and 18 months experience. Made with choice of staples 1) "Easy Glide" Staples that are the staple of choice for student oboes (especially those with small wells). Construction of this version is in collaboration with a friend in the industry, leaving plenty of room for my nuanced hand finishing. 2) Lightly used natural cork staples. Subject to longer turnaround windows. Balanced for extra response, tone and pitch. Tested and refined to meet or exceed quality standards. Customers have raved about the quality of both versions. As with any oboe reeds, individual results may vary.
Finishing Touches:
- Dozens of micro adjustments prior to certification and ship.
- Tested on Howarth XL or Marigaux 901 Oboe.
- Reed prep instructions are included.
- Light application of Vaseline to moisturize cork.
- Players encouraged to sanitize reeds upon arrival.
- Reeds are guaranteed against cracks and leaks that impact play with a refund or replace remedy.