Best Quality Professional Oboe Reeds. Robust/Bold/Expressive. Premium M-MH/Dense Cane. For Advanced to Expert Players.
Origin Professional Oboe Reeds are handmade from scratch and are a personal favorite within the pro grade. It is November and I have just moved into my Alliaud or Rigotti Cane as my preferred cane over the Marion alternative to achieve the aperture sizes I need for winter weather conditions. I will use my wonderful Marion cane again as cane properties and climate conditions align. Both canes have medium to medium hard strengths. Both have higher densities and and thicker walls. They were purchased in large quantities when they were at their best. Reeds have the rich/dark tone color that many highly accomplished players seek. They typically have more resistance than other pro reeds on my site, but not too much to handle unless you are accustomed to a very free blowing experience. They are paired with 47 mm #2 Chiarugi staples. Recommended for professionals, adult amateurs and conservatory bound students with well developed production systems, including embouchure, windspeed and support.
Elite and English Horn Models. This product is more labor intensive than my other options right now, so will be offered in the elite grade only until the spring. Elite models offer extra nuance and an additional quality sort. Individual results may vary.
Oboe Cane: Cane is drawn from premium Marion *2017) or Alliaud (2017/2019) cane inventories. Cane strength is medium to medium hard with a higher densities. Noted for their harder shells and buttery interiors. Diameters are 10.5 and 11 with extra sort for somewhat larger size apertures within the batch. Gouge: Kunibert gouge @.60/.45 (small adjustments for cane density and seasonality). Shape: Mack++ or similar.
Staple: Professional Chiarugi staple 47mm # 2.
Blank Tie Length: 72 - 72.5 mm.
Finished Reed Length: @ 69.5-70 mm.
Signature American long scrape. Customized scrape. Moderately defined tip. Heart 40-.42 in thickness. Moderate windows, defined heart/back with catch. Moderate spine. Full professional level tone and response.
Finishing Touches:
Dozens of micro adjustments prior to certification and ship.
Tested on Howarth XL or Marigaux 901 Oboe.
Reed prep instructions are included.
Light application of Vaseline to moisturize cork.
Players encouraged to sanitize reeds upon arrival.
Reeds are guaranteed against cracks and leaks that impact play with a refund or replace remedy.